Filing for divorce is hard enough without the headache of navigating legal matters. That’s why you’ll want the experienced attorney at Podoll Law in your corner to make sure the process runs as smoothly as possible.

It is never easy ending a relationship, and without the right knowledge and preparation, it can get messy quickly. Whether your divorce is amicable or one-sided, trust our divorce attorney to help you understand your rights and come to terms both parties can agree with.

Unlike a collaborative divorce, traditional divorces have a higher chance of bringing out the worst in even the best people. From reliving upsetting experiences to disagreements on custody, property and more, trust is often an issue that arises quickly when dealing with divorce proceedings.

Attorney Chris Podoll and his team have the knowledge and experience to watch over your affairs and help coach you to maintain favorable personal conduct during the process.

During your initial meeting, you can expect us to sit down with you to discuss your situation as well as gather any information that may be useful in our case. Then, we will compile a list of any assets and custody concerns that need to be figured out and discuss what your end goal is after the divorce is finalized.

Filing for divorce may or may not have been a mutual decision. However, when it comes to sitting down with legal counsel and signing the papers, clients often become overwhelmed with stress or anxiety. While it is a perfectly natural response to ending a relationship, that can cause people to rethink their decisions and possibly change their minds on terms that were initially agreed upon.

When this happens, it is crucial you have an aggressive and clear-headed divorce attorney representing you, so that they can help keep everyone on track and reach your end goal.

No matter your relationship dynamic with your spouse, it’s important to us that your needs are voiced and met during the divorce process. Trust our aggressive attorney to advocate for you and be the voice you need during this process.

For more information about divorce from the experts at Podoll Law, please contact us here or call us directly at 616.737.1106.